Sometimes the blogs just write themselves... Or better yet, the Associated Press does.
'Nanny' state? Drescher eyes Clinton's Senate seat
Dec 9 07:23 PM US/Eastern
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - The star of "The Nanny" wants to go from playing nasally New Yawkers to succeeding Hillary Rodham Clinton in the U.S. Senate.
Publicist Jordan Brown delivered the straight line that Fran Drescher is serious about becoming the next junior senator from New York. Brown cited Drescher's experience as an actress, advocate for women's health and public diplomacy envoy for the U.S. State Department. [What the hell is that gig and how did she get it? Sounds like she was a US-sanctioned fluffer.]
The 51-year-old "Saturday Night Fever" and "This is Spinal Tap" actress joins a field headed by Caroline Kennedy and New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. New York Gov. David Paterson will appoint Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's successor if she is confirmed secretary of state in the Obama administration.
I have a feeling we have Sarah Palin to thank for this. I imagine Fran figured, "Whaaaat? If she can be tha Vice President of the United Staaaaates, why can't I be tha Senator from New Yaaaaawk??"
This would have been more entertaining as an audio bit.
Unfortunately for Fran, Governor Paterson is blind, not deaf. The reverse might have benefited her more...
Then again, everyone scoffed at Gopher, Cooter, Ronnie, Sonny, and Ahnold when they began their political careers, so who knows? But if she succeeds, it's going to be that much more difficult to dissuade another certain brunette with a grating accent...
(((((US-sanctioned fluffers)))))
Clearly, she's found her hustle. Damn.
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