Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What Goes Up Must Come Down

We have two single-occupant public restrooms in our lobby and since they're closest to my current temporary office, they're the ones I frequent. I noticed some time ago that the terlets appear to be bolted together through a shared wall. As such, one can get bounced around a little bit if someone else is using the other restroom at the same time. It's similar to a shared booth in a restaurant... If I know someone's in the other restroom, I tend to land on my terlet a little more gracefully, lest they make the same discovery as I.

(And don't get me started on the hovering chicks. Sit your asses down. You're not getting anything from a toilet seat unless you're rubbing your chotch all over it after someone else has rubbed God-knows-what on it. You're far more likely to pick up a disease from a doorknob than a toilet seat!)

Anyhoo, the reason for this charming little tale is that I was just in the restroom and one of my heftier coworkers sat down on the other toilet and nearly launched me across the room like a tiddly-wink! It made me laugh and perhaps it will make you laugh too...


Stef said...

OMG - you just cracked me up!

Unknown said...

oh crap that was funny.

Steve said...

You should find a coworker about the same weight and work out a potty schedule.

One of the restrooms at my work apparently has the cold water supply line in very close proximity to the steam pipe used to heat the restroom. During the winter months you have hot and hot running water in the sinks. That doesn’t sound so bad until you realize that same (very) hot water is in the toilets and urinals. Imagine getting a steam plume rise from your nethers as you do your business. And I won’t even get into the potential for splash back burns on your low hangers.

Unknown said...

Way to multitask! Let's go take a break and play PeeSaw.