Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome to the Teens!

Man alive! Apparently, I'm worthless without some sort of monthly blog posting challenge!! I was thisclose to signing up for January's, but decided I would just write every day in January and not sign up for the challenge formally.


Four days in and this is my first post. And I'm really just doing this to say hello ("Hello!") and let you know my intentions...

I still have some left over stories from November's challenge and some updates from the last month AND -- I know you'll all find this very exciting!! -- a primer on road races that I shared with our dear friend Bert.

So let's all stay tuned, shall we?

I'll see if I can't get on the stick with the writing (go ahead Bert, I know what you're thinking...) and in exchange, I ask that you all pray for my continued heat until I can get a new heating/cooling unit installed. Thanks!

I hope you're all doing well so far in 2010 and look forward to our continued correspondence. Speaking of, I may not have posted a lot of blogs lately, but you folks are not leaving many comments when I do. Oh, you know who you are. :)


Bert said...

I'll see if I can't get on the stick with the writing (go ahead Bert, I know what you're thinking...)

Actually, I don't even know what I am thinking this morning! (first day back in the office after 18 days off lucky me!

When you weren't posting I figured either your heat was working or you had found some other way of keeping your hands warm.

Bert said...

That last comment was supposed to have one of those smiley faces but I was moving too fast.

; ^ )

Let's see if these work:

♀ ♂

Bert said...

only some...thw squares weren't supposed to be squares.

AJ said...

Was the "thw" supposed to be a "the"? ;)