Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Sit tight, sports fans....

I was going to check in anyway and let you know that I'm going to fire up the ol' fingertips so that I could start practicing for NaBloPoMo, but now I have another reason for writing.

For those of you who don't know, NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month, it's held in November, and it's how I got wrangled (pretty willingly in retrospect) into starting this blog. The goal is seemingly simple: blog each and every day for the month of November.

NaBloPoMo became so popular that they began having the contest every month, with a monthly theme suggestion. On the high of successfully completing last November's NaBloPoMo, I attempted December, but didn't fare so well.

I've just received an email that October's theme is HAUNTED.

And folks, am I HAUN-TED!! On so many levels. And potentially soon-to-be-haunted by Patrick Swayze. So I may give October a whirl... I can't promise the blogs will be good, or enjoyable, or will hold your attention. But I never have. Yes, that's my guarantee -- no promises on talent!

You're welcome. :)

1 comment:

Bert said...


I just wanted to let you know that I will be supporting NaHoBloPoMo (National Haunt a Blog Posting Month...ok, so "Ho" was a stretch for "haunt" but "Ho" just sounds funny...don't you think?). My role will be to make inane background commentary for an entire month. I would have my own blog, but this is just so much more entertaining (for me!). If past performance is any indication, I think I am up for the challenge!
; ^ )