The Virginia Aquarium has a marine stranding team that apparently contains some young members. I'm able to deduce this because the rescued sea turtles and harbor seals have myspace pages. Not only that, they have two different pages and tease each other about who's cuter. If that doesn't seem goofy enough, I'm actually a friend on both of their pages and -- here's the part I find really odd -- I leave them comments. Having never studied marine life in depth, I'm not wholly aware of their reading capabilities. But I am fairly certain they can't type and that I'll not be hearing back from any of these animals. I wished Tiki Jr. (turtle) a bon voyage two days AFTER he was released into the wild and earlier this morning I left a comment for Noodle Head, the first seal arrival this fall. Noodle Head was actually featured in our local newspaper this morning and now with the requisite mall appearances, book signings, and talk show circuit, I know I'll never hear back from him. He's going back in the drink in two weeks though, so he'd better cash in on his fame but quick! Seriously, look at him. How could you not write him cute wittle notes?
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