Thursday, November 1, 2007

When AJBloPoMo just won't do...

This one's going to be short and sweet, friends. I was challenged to join the National Blog Posting Month post-a-palooza earlier today but decided to just do it on myspace. Was going to have my own practice AJ blog posting month... Alas, said challenged (?) friend advised that wasn't good enough and sent me over here. Well, I do in fact have a day job and I've already neglected it a few times today. So this is just here to tell you the WWWWH...
WHO: me;
WHAT: blogging every day for the month o' November;
WHERE: (and on myspace);
WHEN: daily in November. Boy you're slow;
WHY: darned if I know. Guess it's a great excuse to write. Something I desperately need;
HOW: wiff my itty bitty fingers on my work and home keyboards. And hopefully, with a sprinkling of intelligence, humor, warmth, and -- dare I dream -- creativity from within my cranial vault!

1 comment:

Acinom said...


Now did you also officially sign up over at

Iffin you didn't, get thee over there and sign up!!